Integra | Online Bank
This system allows to exchange electronic documents between a client’s office and a bank applying Internet and protected data transmission channel.
The system is comprised of two parts: a server and a client. The server part serves for exchange of payment instruments with the bank system (The Wall, Misys Equation, RS Bank, Way4, etc.) for receipt of information necessary for a client (statements, balance sheets, currency exchange rates). The system’s server part is implemented on the Integra platforms. The Integra is a unified for the connection of products of "E-PASAULE" LTD. with products of third companies. The key advantages of the Integra are safety, flexibility, protection, portability and opportunity to connect various products: Internet Banking, SMS Banking etc. The Integra has been developed on the Java Enterprise Edition platform.

Integration module:
For administration and installation of the server part of the system there has been anticipated a convenient web interface with below functions:
Clients and users corrspondence management;
Allocation of user’s access rights to accounts and enterprises;
Allocation of access rights to operators;
Survey, printout, registration and cancellation of documents;
System application statistics;
Information system management (for clients);
News archive;
News and message sending to a client all all clients;
System mannual management;
Deposit rate management;
Authorization card management (printout, blockage etc.);
Monitoring of all activities of system users and operators;
Internet Banking is a web application that operates on the server bank and enables clients to manage accounts applying „browsers”. The Internet Banking has been developed with Java applying the Java Server Pages technologies. An external shape of the application is adaptable to bank’s corporate style.Applicaiton of the Internet Banking doesn’t require for installation of user’s Client Certificate, as well as for connection of Java Applets maintenance in the „browser”. The Internet Banking has been developed taking into consideration specifications of both corporate clients and individuals.
Mobile Banking is a web application that operates on the bank server and enables clients to manage accoounts using a mobile telephone. The Mobile Banking has been developed on the Java platform, applying the Java Server Pages technologies.
Integra | Online Bank implementations
Used technologies
Java EE, Spring
JavaServer Faces Technology (JSF)
jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, ReactJS
PSD2, TPP, SCA solutions
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