"E-PASAULE" Ltd. offers for optimization of work of enterprises of various branches, a large and middle – size enterprises resource planning system IFS Cloud, EAM system IFS Ultimo, a premium vendor of process-driven cloud-based software for marketing, sales and service automation - Creatio bpm'online. For banks and Fintech companies, we are offering the complete account management system Integra | Online Bank and OpenBanking / PSD2 solution.
Company high class specialists are designing and implementing solutions that are successfully used in business, banking and government organizations. We invent and master solutions to make things easier, more effective and friendly.
EstLat / Prod. Data Sync

"E-PASAULE" Ltd is celebrating its Quarter Century Anniversary!
The company was founded 25 years ago - on August 23, 1999.
Please feel free to contact with us
Latgales street 240, Riga, LV-1063, Latvia
Phone: +371 67320099
VAT register No. LV50003457011
A/S "Rietumu banka" SWIFT: RTMBLV2X
Account: LV02RTMB0000602801988